Toronto | Recipe and Lore | Alchemix | Cocktails

Tommy Paul, Founder of Alchemix
Published in
2 min readMar 2, 2021


The Alchemist,

Robert Vermier

The Poison,

Angostura Bitters

2 Dashes

Demerara Syrup




Canadian Whiskey



Cocktail Glass


Orange Twist

The Alchemy,

In a Mixing Glass, add Bitters, Demerara Syrup, Fernet-Branca, and Canadian Whiskey in that order. Stir over ice. Strain into a Cocktail Glass. Spritz an Orange Twist over the Cocktail and place on the side for a Garnish. Serve or Imbibe.

The Lore,

Robert Vermiere originally published this cocktail under the name ‘Fernet Cocktail’ in his 1922 ‘Cocktails: How to mix them.’ A cocktail book published during prohibition in the United States. The story goes that the English were using a fair amount of Canadian Whiskey at the time due to American Whiskey’s lack of availability. Vermiere states in the book that it was loved by the traveling Canadian citizens of Toronto.

So why does it show up as a ‘Toronto’ in David Embry’s ‘The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks’ in 1948? Well, like many cocktails published throughout the early 1900s, it was probably just stolen. Embry was an American who claimed the title of Tax Attorney until he decided to pursue his passion for mixology in the 1940s at the age of 60 and published ‘The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks’ more than 2 decades after Vermiere’s ‘Cocktails: How to mix them.’

The Philosophy,

Attaching the name of a major city has proven to be a sure fire way to explode a cocktail into popularity. That is, frankly, the reason that this Cocktail still exists today. Because this is a simple Old-Fashioned riff with a small edition of Fernet. Regardless of who invented it.

The Era,

1920s, London. Prohibition in the United States.

The Geology,

Exact location unknown. Vermiere was a Barman who enjoyed rubbing elbows with the rich and famous. He worked at the British Royal Automobile Club, the Criterion, and the Embassy Club. This concoction was likely invented at one of the three.

The Essence,

A simple Old-Fashioned riff with a slightly sweet, herbal, and minerally flavor profile due to the addition of Fernet-Branca.

Alchemix Assessment,

Herbal, Sweet, Booze forward. The addition of Fernet doesn’t add much to the Old-Fashioned. A riff not worth riffing.

#Alchemix #Cocktails #AmaroCocktails #Toronto



Tommy Paul, Founder of Alchemix

I founded Alchemix to highlight Cocktails and Spirits through media for the imbiber to enjoy in the form of Film, Photography, Podcasts and Literature.